Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Listen to people who don't agree with you

A few years back, when this blog was more active, I read a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and I began writing this post. The world has changed profoundly since I began writing this, and I think the message here is more important than ever.

Back to Rich Dad, Poor Dad: Simply put, it is inflammatory. The first half of the book was so infuriating, I wasn't sure reading it was good for my health. My blood pressure skyrocketed every time I cracked the cover, because I would get SO angry with what he said.

But I stuck with it. I read the whole book. Context didn't help me agree with him, but I understood his arguments. And while I don't agree with him on a LOT of things, I do actually agree with him on some things. And that was really surprising. Because, while we can be just POLAR OPPOSITES on some things, we did have some things in common. When I started the book I thought there was going to be absolutely nothing in there of any value because we were so far apart on so much. Our values were out of sync. But the truth is, I learned from it.  I learned how he looks at the world, and what he believes to be true. I listened to his arguments and even though I disagreed with a lot of the conclusions he came up with (as well as some premises that he began with) I just kept reading.

What I do next is up to me. I get to decide whether or not I agree, whether his ideas are sound, and whether or not I will choose to take some of his advice, or any at all.  But if I had not read his book, I would not get the benefit of another perspective. I couldn't possibly have understood his points without reading what his justifications were.  I could have assumed I understood, but I wouldn't have, in reality. So listen. Think. And THEN decide.

I am not telling you to swallow everything every book/person/news article/etc. feeds you. Quite the opposite. But when we listen with open minds rather than shutting down when someone doesn't agree with us, we expand our mindset and learn to make changes to our own beliefs and worldview.  It makes us better people.  So try not to get mad, try not to throw books out windows, and decide for yourself what is right and what is garbage.  But don't shut it out.  It could teach you something.

Further reading: How One Man Convinced 200 Ku Klux Klan Members To Give Up Their Robes

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